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Author Topic: Counsil of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe Beacon  (Read 2095 times)


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Counsil of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe Beacon
« on: January 22, 2014, 20:22:51 UTC »


Heard a very weak QRPp beacon on 28,222.5 this afternoon, and here it is:

Message: ...VVV de TP2CE/B  Freq.: 28.222.5 Mhz

 QTH locator: JN38VO Power: 500 mW Antenna: GP R-7000

It is located in Strasbourg, France and the link is:


If you hear it, put it on their cluster on the web site.

That is the kind of small transmitter I'm looking at for years, to use as  my own beacon. It would be fun, as there is no ten meter beacons in the Province of Québec.

72 Michel