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Author Topic: 30 meter beacon  (Read 5469 times)


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30 meter beacon
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:24:09 UTC »
Hello all,

Another beacon, this time on 30 meters:

Call: W0ERE/ B

Freq.: 10.12925 MHz C.W. Mode

Location: Highlandville, Mo. Grid EM36

Antenna: G5RV radiating E/W, Horizontal polarization. Other antennas are periodically substituted

Antenna Elevation: 1340 Ft. above Sea Level

Power: 3 watts

This one is only at 2111 KM/1311,7 Miles from my QTH so it is coming very well here.

But check the page at QRZ.COM He also has some other experimental propagation Beacons on other bands as well.

Good Listening, and as usual, if you hear any beacons, please send a receptin report with all détails.
The Beacon Sponsors, shall appreciate it very much and it encourage to keep on the very good work.

Don't forget, a Beacon is "THE LIGHTHOUSE OF THE AIRWAVES" and a very good propagation indicator.

Good listening,

72 Michel VE2TH QRP

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Re: 30 meter beacon
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 17:00:42 UTC »

I don't found in G3USF's WW beacon list:

10.139.2 KHz "DK7VDX_BEACON"  2200mW
(10.139.2 Khz on my dial)
16.55 UTC


Michel try it in the future?


Zoli - ha2pp