I'm sorry I've been inactive over the last 2 months. I was ill but I'm getting some energy back so now I have to start working on getting fit again.
To mark my return I've put a new post in the digital section. It's about FreeDV which is a digital voice over HF mode which is said to be effective at QRP levels. There are three things about the mode which make it interesting:-
1) It is inexpensive. Any hf rig capable of ssb is fine. You don't have to buy a special rig.
2) You need a Windows or Linux computer with two sound cards and the free program + codec
3) Apart from the connecting leads, that's all. ...And probably a LOT of patience.
This may become a major mode in the future, just as did SSB in the days of AM dominance. I believe it would be a good idea to keep an eye on this mode and to see how it develops.
Good to be back.