Ham Radio Activity > QRP Club Cup
QRP Club Contest 2014: Rules
Rules ( Ranking )
When you make a QSO with a member of the Club (you can call "CQ QRPC DE... " ), click here and send a report:
you'll become a
Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 6 points.
Contacts between stations on the same continent, but different countries, are worth 3 point.
Contacts between stations in the same country are worth 1 point.
A station may be worked once on each band for QSO point credit.
The use of the IARU QRP frequencies is encouraged.
We'll publish the results in a daily rating and the best DXer will become DXer of the Year.
Date: 04 Dec 2013 - 04 Dec 2014.
Good luck! :)
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