QRP Station > Antennas

What's your favourite antenna for portable activity?

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Either a 6m vertical made out of a fishing rod OR top corner fed half-square for the band in question. I recommend for everyone to try out a half-square!!

I use a buddipole setup with an MFJ 1979 17' whip.  With the coils, I can tune easily on 80m-40m.  Without the coils, I can tune 20m-6m.  I use the 17' whip as vertical and two shorter buddipole whips as radials.  I have used a longer wire for a radial on 80m-40m.  I use the setup to operated from beach trips over weekends, and when in Aruba (P40DE) last summer.  I operated QRP with the KX3.

Doug, NA1DX

For portable work I use vertical, Inverted Vee with the open line. And the most popular antenna at clubmen of RU-QRP - VP2E powered since the end. http://ua6hjq.qrz.ru/ant/mfj902.htm

For outdoor I use home made - VP2E, END FEDZ EF-20, END FEDZ EF-10/20/40 and long wire with tuner Elecraft T1.

Hi, I have a Buddipole for 2m to 40m bands. Adjustable for differents configurations: NVIS, vertical dipole, orizzontal dipole, V dipole or 2 elements in 2m, 6m, 10m. I have also a Yaesu ATAS25 used with a tripode.


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