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Author Topic: 5 MHz  (Read 7866 times)

Offline PA1FJ

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5 MHz
« on: December 15, 2015, 16:02:04 UTC »
In the Netherlands we have now 5 MHz band from 5.350 - 5.450 MHz, a perfect QRP band!

73 Fred PA1FJ

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2015, 23:56:23 UTC »
I must give the band a try Fred. Will have to see if I can get any of my existing antennas to radiate a Watt or two as no space left for yet another antenna!

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2015, 14:56:46 UTC »
Just had my first 5MHz QSO with G4HMC 2x QRP on 5.262.
I found that I could tune my HF2v by shorting most of the 80m loading coil. Works a treat!!


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 16:00:45 UTC »
Antenna and TRX are not a problem here. It´s easy to tune my 2 x 13.5 m doublet but here in DL 60m is not allowed yet  :(

We will got a small 15 kc part in the next future but i think the german BNetzA not working between Xmas and the new year  ;D ;D

My Icom is ready to transmit an i´m still waiting  ;) ;)


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2016, 01:50:01 UTC »
Hello all,

Here is what we have in Canada:

Centre Frequency                 Frequency (USB)                       Channel Designation

    5332.0 Khz                         5330.5 kHz                               Channel 1

    5348.0 kHz                         5346.5 kHz                               Channel 2

    5358.5 kHz                         5357.0 kHz                               Channel 3

    5373.0 kHz                         5371.5 kHz                               Channel 4

    5405.0 kHz                         5403.5 kHz                               Channel 5

For now, that is all we have here in Canada.

And many much more informations in the following link:


Good reading

72, Michel


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 20:45:47 UTC »
Bad regulations worldwide .... The Netherlands have 100 kc´s without channel regulations, we will have (in the next future) 15 kc´s without a channel regulation and some other countries have 5 channels like Canada and the USA ....

Not a problem to come togehther but it´s split work what we have to do ..... Hope in a near future this will be regulated to a hamband without channels ....  ;) ;)

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2016, 22:16:24 UTC »
Yes Juergen - very confusing indeed. I've heard some stations operating outside the 'channels' allocated to their countries and there do not seem to be any separate allocations for CW and SSB.
All a bit of a mess :-)


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2016, 20:25:53 UTC »
I hung up a short coil loaded dipole this evening, still have to tune it because resonance is at 5250 which is about 100 kHz to low. The dipole is only 10 meters long, I have limited space currently. I hear mostly SSB stations from the UK and one beacon, HG7BHB at 5352.5.

Anyone have a clue where QRP activity is located on this band?

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2016, 21:01:06 UTC »
Hi Joop!
The UK QRP QRG is 5262.0 kHz.

Good Luck!


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2016, 21:41:52 UTC »
Thanks Dave,

that's outside the Dutch band, 5350-5450. To bad. Well, at least I can try and listen there.  ;)

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2016, 22:04:58 UTC »
5373.0 +/- Might be worth listening to Joop. Not a specific QRP QRG but there is activity.


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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2016, 11:53:13 UTC »
I read that starting Jan 1st 2017 a new segment (5351.5 - 5366.5) will be allocated for amateur radio use worldwide. Maximum power 15 Watts ERP. Secondary status. Possibly CW and digital modes only due to the small bandwidth.

See the ARRL site: http://www.arrl.org/news/view/world-radiocommunication-conference-approves-global-60-meter-allocation

Offline OH5KUY

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Re: 5 MHz
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2017, 14:15:47 UTC »

The new radio frequency of 4 U / M 2016 came into force on Friday, 09.12.2016. At the same time the new 5 MHz band opened for all Finnish ham radio frequencies between 5351.5 kHz and 5366.5 kHz. Maximum power 15 W EIRP.

so far a lot of activity on JT65 and JT9 modes. Good band for QRP -operations.

73/oh5kuy (of5kuy) / qrp