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Author Topic: My QRP multiband antenna  (Read 6074 times)


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My QRP multiband antenna
« on: November 06, 2017, 23:42:03 UTC »
I live at la Seyne sur Mer (loc:JN23wc) a suburb of Toulon near the Mediterranean sea in the south of France. This city is urbanized and my small house is surrounded by buildings. I have à small garden of  approximately 60 m2. This i met difficulties to set up an really antenna...worse the presence of a pylone would disturb the neighbors..I thus tested all the kind of antenna wich suited in my garden. All, me one given satisfaction but until day i discovered in a Belgian review the MiniFD Carolina It's about the QSPreview of september 2010 number 3 * .Of simple conception it's a kind of windom wich gives me complete satisfaction because is a multiband antenna (80 to 6 m with in ATU).It's with this antenna that i qso NAN JA4FKX
in may 2014 with an report of 549, and later  some américan stations. Thus, since 2012, date of transformation of my set up in 100% qrp station, i use these antenna with a big satisfaction.Obviously it's an compromise , but i return there always...There is an summary description:It's an Windom with an arm of 13,90m and other one of the 7 meters fed by a balun 4:1 and a vertical length of 3m rg58 with a coaxial shoke balun and any length of rg58 coaxial to the tx.To add the 80 meter band ,it's nécessary to extend the 7 meter arm by a 80 uh self and 3 meter length wire. That's it for now ! According to the authors, efficiency  of this antenna would be upper to that of the G5RV.

* www.ON6LL.be/NMRevue

Pierre - F5GSK

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Re: My QRP multiband antenna
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 19:50:18 UTC »
A neat solution for fitting a multi-band antenna in a small space Pierre.
Much of the fun of ham radio is in solving problems!

If you replace the RG58 that runs to your shack with RG213 or similar you'll reduce losses a little, and with QRP power every little bit of RF going to or coming from the antenna is helps.
I replaced RG58 with 213 type on all my antennas and they feed a remote switch box which then feeds into the shack with Belden hardline.
I was lucky with the hardline as it was a free offcut from the telecoms industry :-)

I have a friend who uses a windom and to switch in the extra length for 80m he uses a tilt switch that he can operate from ground level by pulling a string.


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Re: My QRP multiband antenna
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 12:20:08 UTC »
hi Dave,
you have right for the RG213 , i think that i ordered it !