QRP Club > Mike's Tavern

10m /Sun 2Feb 17.20/ deserted but for FOC contestants


Yup, but for the USA FOC guys busily making points the band was deserted. If they were not chirping away anyone would have thought the band was closed, dead, finito.  I was reading them at 559~579 , good clear signals, no QSB, NO QRN, no QRM.  (You want qrm? Try the QRP centre on 17m: pile up again... ???)

OK, the wealthy can buy big signals, we know that: as yet money doesn't buy propagation. ;D  If they were making the trip, the band must have been open. At least a bit.

I gotta snoop around 10m more often: may not be fashionable but......   ;D

Vic /slightly gobsmacked.


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