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Author Topic: RARE YUKON VY1...  (Read 3093 times)


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« on: January 06, 2017, 22:08:30 UTC »

I just got confirmation today via LOTW, of "RARE YUKON TERRITORIES" in north western Canada. The call is: VY1AAA.

This station is very particular because it is  "REMOTE" by some US amateurs. This station has very good ears, because they have no noise in reception, and a very good antenna.

The antenna is a 4 element cubical Quad for 20 thru 6 meters. I worked them CW/QRP during  the RAC WINTER CONTEST, on 20 meters, on december 17, 2016.-

This station is located north of 60° at the QTH of Jay, VY1JA. And at: Grid Square CP20kw

Here are some interesting links:


Other info: QRZ.COM Under VY1 JA and VY1AAA

Plus: Look for the VY1AAA team operating as XK150YUKON during January 1 through March 1, 2017, celebrating Canada's 150th birthday.


The current configuration consists of an Elecraft K3s, Alpha 9500 Amp, Palstar HF-Auto KW Automatic antenna tuner, a four-element quad for 10-6 meters, including WARC, A 1/4-wave 80m full-size ground plane, 1/4-wave full-size 40m ground plane, and a V-beam, with it's apex at 70 feet, and the ends currently at 30 feet. The V-beam legs are ~600 feet long. Our future plans are to raise the height of the V-beam ends, install a 160m Double-L (K2KQ Style) with 1 70' high vertical radiator, and building a 4-square of 40m ground planes. The quad performs very well, but will not last in the harsh Yukon winters. We need to replace this with a decent, heavy-duty high-performance tribander.

So I wish you all of you working this one, and check regularly the DX bulletins.

Oh! in QRZ.COM check their antenna cubical QUAD Under the call XK150YUKON.

About one of their antenna they are using, and mentionned in the text:

V-beam, with it's apex at 70 feet, and the ends currently at 30 feet. The V-beam legs are ~600 feet long.

During cycle 23, I worked many times Jay VY1JA on 6 meters QRP, @ both 5 watts, both FT-817 Yaesu.
Jay was using that V-BEAM Wire antenna, and here using a 3 element beam @ 6 metrers off ground. 

So be optimist, you never know what you can do, even during low sunspots like it was last december.

All the very best,

72/73 Michel VE2TH,

53 years on the air and still having a lot of fun.