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Author Topic: SSB QRP  (Read 3982 times)

Offline VE4AKI

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« on: July 02, 2017, 16:05:26 UTC »
Hello everyone. Although I work mostly QRP on cw I occasionally do try my hand at QRP on SSB. This weekend was the RAC Canada Day Contest and I thought I would try a bit of SSB for a change. The 20M
band seemed in fair shape at the start of the contest both on the Friday night and on Saturday. Before the contest had ended I managed to work all ten Canadian provinces as well as Labrador. This was accomplished running 10 watts into a homebrew ground mounted vertical antenna. Some stations were easy to work while some were more difficult to get through the pileups. Thanks to all that pulled me through. It's amazing what can be done with only a few watts. Any others using QRP SSB?


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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 12:16:07 UTC »
Hello Tom,

I'm also 100% QRp here, and 95% CW but sometimes, me too I give SSB a try, MOST OF THE TIME ON 15/10 AND 6 METERS. during the Sporadic-E season, 

I was into the RAC CANADA Day contest last Saturday, and I missed you. In fact I missed VE4 & VE6 and worked 8 Provinces and 27 states, all CW.nothing from VY1/VY0/VE8/VO2.

Conditions here were fair to poor. I checked higher bands but... nothing. So I stayed on 40/20 meters. 

Hope to work you some day in SSB/CW , I checked regularly VE4ARM and VE4VHF Beacons in your area. It is a good propagation indicator for me.


Michel VE2TH

QRP ARCI # 5885
NAQCC # 0214
SKCC # 10361
TEN-TEN # 14504

Offline VE4AKI

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  • Country: ca
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2017, 18:59:56 UTC »
Hello Michel:
Nice to hear from you. I was very surprised at the results I got in chasing other Canadian stations in the RAC contest. Most were worked around 9-10 A.M. local time as this seems to be when propagation is best on 20M. I don't hear many stations from the east coast of Canada so was glad to catch them this time.
Iv'e been operating QRP for over 20 years, mostly on CW. I have over 100 entities worked at 5 watts or less and almost 100 on SSB, not that I'm bragging hi hi. Thanks again for the response. Best time to catch me is 1300- 1500 Z on 14.060 most days.