Hello Dave,
WOW!! 150 QSL's from the bureau, you are very Lucky, I never got that in 55 years of ham radio.
The most I have had in a year, it is around 40 to 50 paper QSL via the bureau, and a few direct, and it was my best year.-It is usually much less than that.
Since the new world wide system of grid squares in 1983, I activated 72 different grids over the years since then. But QSL'ing is very low. It seems, at least for me, that the QSL'ing system is less popular.
Percentage return of QSL, for me:
LOTW = 21%, E-QSL 34% (much better), PAPER QSL = 9%, TOTAL: 64% for the 3 qsl'ing systems.
not bad anyway.-
Concerning the log, it is the same here, when portable I use paper log, and once at home I put them in the computer. I agree with you, Yes it is good to read nice comments on the old paper QSL which is not the case with LOTW & E-QSL.
Anyway, I'm looking to better propagation Hi!

72, Michel