Shack -
FT450D ( I
know it can QRO but is
always set at 5W. Good for CW with good (IMHO) digital signal processing, plays nicely with Ham Radio Deluxe v5 (The last free version) . The rig control via HRD is fast and convenient, saves wear & tear on the rig controls!!

I don't use the fairly limited range internal ATU much, prefer to use external matchbox. Internal keyer is fine but not used because I'm determined to get my straight key work up to standard first.
Portable - FT817ND with 300Hz cw filter, which is a revelation. It transforms the rig and it really helps protect my ears from excessive white noise/ general racket.
(I'm fairly deaf and very interested in preserving what remaining hearing I have.) Can wind the power right down.
Guerilla QRP - Youkits HB-1B 4 bander. An amazing little rig for the money. Variable filtration is effective. Only way to control output power I've found so far is to reduce power supply voltage a little. Unfortunately this also reduces audio gain. I switched to a pair of Sennheiser HD219 headphones and their sensitivity compensates nicely for this. If it is a really noisy environment, I switch my hearing aids to 'Loop' and they couple electronically to my phones and background noise is pushed a lot further into the background!!
Various heaps of home brew crud, none of which approaches the rigs above. Also becoming much too quiet!!
I regret parting withShimizu Denshi SS-105S max 10w of joy, all analogue dials and reliable to nth degree
TS130V Why did I sell this rig? Great receiver, qrp,narrow crystal filter... regret, regret...

That's all folks.