Ham Radio Activity > QRP Club Cup
QRP Club Cup 2015: Discussion
I would prefer much simpler rules, for examples:
- No ITU/DXCC multipliers, it makes scoring complicated
- No exchange numbers needed
- 1 point for QSOs between the same country, 3 points for the same continent and 10 points for DX
Points are mulitplied by 2 when power is 1 Watt or below
It would be nice to see the number of countries worked in the scoring
Anyone want to comment on this? :D
Nice ideas ....
But all a bit compicated ..... Very easiest way ..... No numbers .... all contacts counting you worked over the year with qrp power .... QSO with no members own country and/or own continet count 1 pont, no member from DX count 2 points, member from own country and/or continent count 3 points and member from DX count 5 points ..... Each contact QRP/QRP (no difference between members and no members) gives 1 extra multiplier (so aks the qao partner about the used power) ....
No upload of contacts allowed which you work in an official contest (like cqww, cqwpx e.g.) but pileup work for DX allowed
Power limits:
CW & Digitals: 5 Watt max.
SSB: 10 Watt max.
Only my 2 cents ;) ;)
Yes, I agree. Contest QSOs should be excluded. But somehow there must be an extra bonus when you work a QRP club member. This is to encourage membership! 8)
--- Quote from: PG4I on December 26, 2014, 09:01:49 UTC ---- No ITU/DXCC multipliers, it makes scoring complicated
- No exchange numbers needed
- 1 point for QSOs between the same country, 3 points for the same continent and 10 points for DX
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: DF5WW on December 26, 2014, 12:20:52 UTC ---
Power limits:
CW & Digitals: 5 Watt max.
SSB: 10 Watt max.
--- End quote ---
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