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Author Topic: What are the rigs being used for QRP?  (Read 36172 times)

Offline VK6MB

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2014, 04:54:08 UTC »
Hi, my station is a KX3. I have an 80m OCF dipole, a 40m Moxon and 5bd H/d Spiderbeam still in the box  :-[

I do have a KXPA100 on order for when I want to QRO.
Although I do get thru on the WICEN net on 12W on 3.600kHz, the other members sometimes struggle to hear me clearly from 300km away.

73 Mike VK6MB

Offline ea5blp

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2014, 14:30:26 UTC »
If you want to see a dozen of qrp transceivers in action, (mostly kits), I invite you to take alook to my QRP channel in youtube:


Best regards,

Offline ik8yfw

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2014, 18:20:41 UTC »

My working conditon qrp side:

Commercial: fr 817 nd + cw 500hz narrow
Kit build: small Wonder lab swl-40, foxx3 rtx Cw
Homemade: ps, tuner zmatch, long wire + 4:1 bal., rybakoff Vertical bamboo, keyer

That`s all.
Vy 73 de Giuseppe, ik8yfw

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2014, 10:48:00 UTC »
- Yaesu FT-817ND (with a 300 Hz Collins CW filter)

- Rockmite ][ 20m Transceiver (200 mW)
72 de Nicola

Offline M5AML

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2014, 19:01:47 UTC »
Hi all,

Here I have a Kenwood TR-751E which I mainly use for 5W SSB into a homebrew indoor 5 element beam on 2m.  I use an Alinco DX70TH with loft-mounted inverted vee for the higher HF bands. 

I also have a Yaesu VX5-R which I used to use on 2m FM before I got my 751 but still sometimes take this out /P.  A half-modified Brendon DSB TRX is gathering dust somewhere in the shed alongside many other half-finished/half-dismantled homebrew circuits!

Farhan's latest offering looks interesting as does the BITX but I would probably build one for 17m or 15m.


Offline GM0LVI

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2014, 21:28:41 UTC »
I had an FT-817 for several years and took it on on holiday with me and enjoyed lots of QRP QSOs from Greece and British Virgin Islands. At home I used an FT-1000.
I sold the FT-817 to help finance an Elecraft KX3 which I just love. It is a far better rx than my FT-1000 and also much better then the 817 which I found quite wasn't that great at selectivity despite a narrow cw filter. When the KXPA100 arrives in the UK I'll trade in the FT-1000 as I want the extra power for 50MHz E's in the summer.
At home the antennas are a 5 band 2 element quad for 10-20m, a 30m GP stuck 5m up a pear tree, a HF2V for 40 & 80m with lots of buried radials and a 5 element yagi for 6m.

Offline VK6MB

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2014, 00:47:09 UTC »
I have my KXPA100 coming this week, but will only use it for when I "need" to e.g. ensuring good comms for WICEN nets etc. Otherwise I can do most QSO's  with the barefoot KX3 - 12W, remembering VK6 to VK2 is the same as London to Moscow  :))

73 Mike VK6MB heading down to the Tavern  for a "Sunday Session"

Offline ve3lyx

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2014, 04:37:01 UTC »
spurred on by recent success with my vintage TNT rigs contact (had a long qso with it tonite) I dug out and went over another homebrew low power rig I built a few years ago. It is a transceiver and works not bad. I have it tuned up on 80M right now (3725)and it has AM and CW function. It is built in a 1920s radio cabinet. I have had some successful QSOs with it but not many.. I have reworked the tank circuit coupling and hope the extra stomp I found will pay dividends. It covers both 80M and 40M without band switching

Offline K5TTE

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2014, 04:32:24 UTC »
I've really had great fun with the LNR Mantiz fx2.
It's a shirt-pocket 40/30 mtr rig with about 3w out.
With their end-fed half wave wire, it's been a fine rig.
It's a shame this rig has been sold-out over a year.
If production resumes, it's worth another look by
portable operators.
Randy  K5TTE.   Austin

Offline W4RQ

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2014, 01:13:09 UTC »
Using a KX-3. My Ten Tec Jupiter has been collecting dust ever since the Elecraft arrived last August!
QRP, for when you care enough to send the very least.

Offline m0jha

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2014, 20:19:28 UTC »
In the shack , main rig 817 and has been for a few years running 2 watts out , have a TT Argosy I use on 30m this was a cheap buy and fix project . Portable HB1B and EMTECH ZM2 tuner .. just got a GQRP club sudden line up as well as homebrew pixie II  and homebrew atu's paddles etc

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2014, 02:44:29 UTC »
Hello Billy,

Very nice and fun set-up. My XYL VE2RH is using a FT-817ND, and I have the KX3 and an Icom IC-703+
for 10/6 meters.

In the past I had an Argosy TEN-TEC, for over 15 years, which is a really good transceiver, simple to operate, I had the 500 Hz Crystal filter, + the audio filter which was superb to cut the QRM, very good selectivity.

Do you have this audio filter ? if not,  try to find one, you won't regret it.

I often operate at the 2 watts level, and below into the milliwatt. With the KX3 it is really easier to go down as 100 milliwatts, and every time I have good amazing surprises, as I how often I can go.

Thanks Billy for sharing,

See you on the air someday,

72, Michel VE2TH QRP & QRPp

Offline PD5L

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2014, 13:57:59 UTC »
I use:
Icom ic775dsp
Icom ic765
Elecraft k2/100 full option
Rigs 5 to 10watts SSB

73' Edwin PD5L

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2015, 03:50:56 UTC »
I picked up an elderly Heathkit HW-7 a few days ago.  I won it on eBay.  It's in great shape, and relatively unmolested except for the addition of a dial light switch.  It's actually a pretty nice rig, and it's fun to operate.  Yes, it's primitive by modern standards, but that's part of its charm.  If I want modern, I'll use my Icom.....

This little rig really benefits from an outboard audio filter.  The selectivity is really wide, so the filter is almost a necessity.  Other than that, it's a nice rig.
Current callsign - KC3RN

Offline ha7nb

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Re: What are the rigs being used for QRP?
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2015, 20:04:17 UTC »

My QRP transceiver X1M Pro platinium, use it more then one year.

Last year in march working K0TT op:Danny 21MHz ssb. Antenna Rybakov power out 3watts (backyard). Almost the all qso made with QRP in ssb and some sstv.

Last summer more then 50 qso made in SSTV mode, mostly Europe, and one South America (Brasil) the Jasta contest with PY4BL op: Arnaldo.
Antenna multiband doublet in inverted V mode, rig: X1M Pro power 3watts.

72/73!  Janos HA7NB/QRP
73! Janos