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Author Topic: 40 meter VERTICAL DIPOLE  (Read 3878 times)


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« on: February 08, 2014, 01:53:47 UTC »

Hello all,

If someone in the  club is a subscriber of the YAHOO GROUPS, it is a very nice place to find plenty of suggestions, files,documents, photos etc. from such a group of your choice.

Here I'm a long time subscriber of the "BUG" = Buddipole User Group"

While looking at the numerous photos, I saw one which caught my eyes.

A vertical Dipole for 40 meters, built by HB9MTN/5B4AGV. This vertical has 2 capacity hat,one at the top and another one at the base.  Some Guys and one Guy helped to keep the feedline away before going down in a slope.

As photos Worth 1000 words, take a look, where you can register to Yahoo Group, "BUDDIPOLE"

In the photos pages, Ed, gives all you need to have to built one like his.

He is also a great QRP'er, check his page on QRZ.COM.

Good reading,

72 Michel, The QRP'er offf to the lighthouse for the week-end.... ;D

Offline VK6MB

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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 02:49:36 UTC »
Thanks Michel,
here is another version from HB9MTN -
I have the 8 telescopic antennas for the Cap hats but have not progressed any further.
I am looking to build this one at home -

72/73 Mike VK6MB - as he goes to prepare supper for Michel's 'night shift' at the Light

Offline ve3lyx

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 13:28:16 UTC »
I have a 20M vertical I call The Plumbers Special. It is 1/4 wave in length and is a Marconi. That is the ground rod is directly straight down under the vertical , no radials. it is a 5/16 steel rod about 30 inches long. The braid is soldered to it for easy connection. The top section is a 2001  ariel from a 2500 Dodge Ram  right underneath that is a soup can lid and below that the rest of the tuned length is made up of 3/4 inch copper pipe. It is mounted on a hardwood dowel duly treated which has a pointed end the is stuck in the ground. The antenna is supported by plastic cable ties in a flowering crab tree making sure it doesn't touch. It is the MOST effective 20M antenna I have ever had. I use a Knwood TS830S on it barefoot. I can crack pile ups usually on the first or second call despite the fact I am calling over the light dimming KW plus folks. Now I hope you are sitting down. I used it to replace a A3 Cushcraft at 35 feet. It really does work that good. And that is why I am building the 20M QRP rig. I know I have the antenna to do the job. If I could afford it I would build a similar vertical for 40M. I have worked the world with this antenna. If anyone has logged me on 20M this was what I was using.
There is a pic of it on QRZ.com