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Author Topic: Yaesu FT-818ND Part 2 Follow-up  (Read 4006 times)


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Yaesu FT-818ND Part 2 Follow-up
« on: April 17, 2020, 23:59:10 UTC »
Hi all,
I have been asked before, if I had to take the minimum of radio equipment to a remote location, such as summer holiday, camping, Islands summit on the air etc. what would I choose ?

Looking at different  amateur radio "blog",  I can easily conclude that there are not identical answers. Everyone has its own  preference. So here are my own preferences.

After a study of the huge selection of QRp radio from many brands,and when the market offered in 2001,  the new Yaesu QRP transceiver,  and after studying all the possibilities, I choose to buy a Yaesu FT-817, for the following reasons:

It is a very nice little radio, offering (13) amateur bands plus all modes in a very tiny package. For working several bands you cannot go wrong.

Plus, low frequencies  from 100 up to 540 MHz, in many countries the amateurs are authorized to use the 630 meters band, (472 to 479 KHz, Plus the 2200 meters band (135.8 to 138.8 KHz).- and  then the AM broadcast band, follow by all the shortwave bands, with amateur radio bands, in between., including the new 60 meters band into the 5 MHz.- Here in Canada we only have 5 frequencies available.-
These 2 new bands, the FT-817/818, can receive but no transmission is possible except if you built a small  transverter,  or an external small transmitter.
Over 30 MHz, there is the low band, 30 thru 50 MHz,  this is VHF 6 METERS  (50MHz) and the receiver cover76 MHz - 154 MHz, including the 2 meters band, and the aviation band , plus FM Broadcast 88 MHz - 108 MHz . And finally the 70 Centimeters, 420 MHz - 470 MHz.-

I told you it is an all mode, what a fun to have all mode, it gives you the opportunity to work SSB/CW on those VHF bands. Ok here in North America, there is some activities, but in Canada not much activities in SSB/CW.

 But if you go portable somewhere you can experiment, with some VHF/UHF antennas, and try your luck at some summer contests.
This transceiver if fun , whether in your shack or on a picnic table, in the great outdoors.

                                           "Accessories and possibilities"

1- CW filter:  If you are like me, I love CW, so you need a filter, it is an option and the price vary from a country to another.-
In my FT-817ND I have the Collins Model YF-122C, ( 500Hz/2KHz: -6db/-60db)
In my new FT-818ND The dealer told me that this 500Hz filter is discontinued, so I put the Collins 300Hz filter Model: YF-122CN (300Hz/1KHz (-6db/-60db)
I find this one is much better, sharper.-

   It is universal, in the way you can connect your transceiver with your external battery or your power supply. Each piece of equipment including power supply and batteries here have those connectors.
See this link for more information, plus the multiple links at the end of the article.-

3- Microphone:
The supplied hand microphone is the MODEL: MH-31a8j.
Over the years I found useful to have a second one with DTMF this model is: MH-36e8J . Why a DTMF  (Touch-Tone) ? 

If in your area, some  repeater (VHF/UHF)  are interconnected with "ECHO LINK" or " IRLP" it could be useful.-
LINK: http://www.echolink.org/
LINK: http://www.irlp.net/
Echo link is more popular than IRLP, but with the links you will have all the informations you want.- ECHO LINK is in about 151 countries.-

It is just a suggestion, as I use it very occasionally.
Another usage, if in your area like we have in the Maritime Provinces you can interconnect one repeater with another one in another Province, or in the same Province. This way you need your list of all the tones required (LINK CODES) to open and close the other repeater.
One very nice feature is the "STACKED VFO SYSTEMS" Page 19 in the FT-818ND Manual, it is the same for the FT-817/ND


You follow the instruction by the book, page 19, this way when you change bands you can  add
other bands such as the FM BROADCAST, AVIATION, etc..
This way you have your favorite bands automatically in your band switch.

So I hope it helps in your decision to try one.

All the very best to all

Stay safe, and have fun on the air.

72/73 Michel VE2TH The QRP'er