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Author Topic: AMATEUR RADIO BEACON LIST (NEW)  (Read 5890 times)


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« on: February 24, 2014, 02:12:07 UTC »
Hello all,

I put (NEW) in the subject, but it is not new, but for me I just came across this one and I want to share it with all of you, at least with those who like to check these little QRP beacons.

This list is built from DX cluster reports

This list is always up to date, if you check the dates. It goes back to 2009/2010, and as you can see the last reports are dated as of today.

Here is the link:  http://hamradio.pl/beacons/?band=10m

By the way, you just have to check on any band of your choice at the top of the page, to see what is going on.

All in all, it is a great tool for propagation study, and for making comparaisons between those who report it and your particular QTH.

Good listening,

72 Michel\ back to the light.....