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Author Topic: QRP Thrills and SKCC  (Read 1554 times)

Offline WH7TT

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QRP Thrills and SKCC
« on: January 12, 2015, 18:00:28 UTC »
Aloha all,
     I made contact from Hawaii to South Cook Island this weekend during the SKCC event running 5 watts from my FT-817 to a 9:1 unun and a long piece of wire in the 120ish feet range. The wire is just a bunch of 18 gauge speaker wire parts all just twisted together as I haven't soldered anything yet. :) Myself WH7TT and E50A-K3YOC exchanged reports on 20M and 15M and both were loud exchanges on both sides of the 559 or better variety. This is not my first QRP contact but it was exciting because of the nice reports. :) Don't let anyone ever say QRP does not work. I think it works great.
      Oh, it was about 2100 miles or so as well. :)

Offline N8XEE

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Re: QRP Thrills and SKCC
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 16:08:31 UTC »
I worked Puerto Rico from Pennsylvania a couple weeks ago.  1737 miles with 1 watt on 10 meters.
Current callsign - KC3RN

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: QRP Thrills and SKCC
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 19:27:11 UTC »
There's been some good openings on 10m and 12m recently. 12m has been particularly good here and there's been a nice enhancement for about an hour from around 1530 to 1630 UTC which is when I'm in the grey-line. Yesterday I worked 4 stations in the US all with good reports including W6RLL in Arizona and got a 559 at a distance of 5009 miles.
Sadly no QRPC members worked this year so far and most stations I've worked across the pond have been running QRO :-(