QRP Station > Other
Club log something for QRP Club.
Recently i enjoyed Clublog, found it useful. Take a tour in it yourself and find all the good stuff. BUT... i cant find our fine club there, it seems easy to enjoy club log so why not? here is a link to the page for adding our club. And here is startside for Clublog. Clublog is for everyone not only expeditions or contesters. ^-^
Thanks, Jenny, I use Club Log, but the problem is that QRP Club is the name of a forum, we aren't a real Club (at the moment). :-\
--- Quote from: IZ5ZCO on February 22, 2014, 18:10:38 UTC ---Thanks, Jenny, I use Club Log, but the problem is that QRP Club is the name of a forum, we aren't a real Club (at the moment). :-\
--- End quote ---
Newer thought about that....... :))
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