The Contest takes place in the 15-meter band only. It is recommended that contestants only use frequencies between 21350kHz and 21450kHz in order to minimize interference with other users of the band.
2014: Saturday April 5 00:00 UTC, to Sunday April 6 23:59 UTC
Operator Categories
SINGLE-OP HIGH - Single Operator High Power: total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
SINGLE-OP LOW - Single Operator Low Power: total output power must not exceed 150 watts.
SINGLE-OP QRP - Single Operator QRP: total output power must not exceed 10 (ten) watts.
MULTI-OP - Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter: total output power must not exceed 1500 watts. More than one operator in a team, each taking turns to use one single transmitter, all operators using only one callsign. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.
CHECKLOG - use this category if you do not wish your entry to be included among the final results.
Other info
http://contests.wsstvc.org/rules/73 de 9A7DCK - WSC# 0192