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Author Topic: EAQRP contest  (Read 1451 times)

Offline EA7KB

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EAQRP contest
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:53:25 UTC »

This weekend ( 19 and 20) of EAQRP Competition held :


The EA- QRP Club invites all amateurs the world to participate in this contest.
- Objective:
Promote the contacts QRP mode . " All against all" .
- Date:
Third weekend in April ( April 19 to 20, 2014 )
- Duration:
The contest will be held in four parts.
- Part 1 - . From 1700 to 2000 UTC on Saturday in the bands of 10 , 15 and 20 meters.
- Part 2 - . From 2000 to 2300 UTC on Saturday in the 80 meter band .
- Part 3 - . From 0700 until 1100 UTC on Sunday in the 40 meter band .
- Part 4 - . From 1100 until 1300 UTC on Sunday in the bands of 10 , 15 and 20 meters.
- Bands:
10, 15 , 20, 40 and 80 meters. 28,060 , 21,060 , 14,060 , 7,030 and 3,560 MHz: the use of frequencies QRP frequencies , ie recommended.
- Call :
"Test EAQRP " . It is recommended not to add / QRP to the call , it is understood that all participants are QRP stations .
- Exchange :
RST + a letter (A or M + ( if EA-QRP Club)
A - QRPp ( < 1 watt ) B - QRP .
- Tolerated Power:
The power used in no case may exceed 5 watts output ( QRP category ) , and equal to or less than 1 watt ( QRPp category ) .
- Category :
QRP ( 5 watts maximum power ) , QRPp (peak power 1 watt ) , multiband single operator only .
- Rating:
Each contact with the country worth 1 point ( EA6, EA8 and EA9 be considered the same entity for both points and multipliers) , 2 points in the same continent and four points with different continent .. The QRPp stations will be worth 5 points regardless of where they are.
A station can only be contacted once per band. Only valid communications made within the period of time.
- Multipliers :
Each partner EAQRP (which will indicate the exchange ) and DXCC country for each band .
EA6, EA9 EA8 and will be considered the same entity ( EA ) to multiplier effects ..
- Final score:
Total sum of points by the total sum of multipliers.
- Penalties :
Was penalized with zero points each contact will be sharing Any wrong . A contestant will be disqualified if they have reasonable grounds for believing that exceeds the power limit permitted or non-compliance .
It is allowed to use the cluster , but is forbidden to advertise itself.
Shall be valid only those contacts that are contained in two other lists.
- Listings :
The lists shall contain the following data : UTC , station callsign , exchange received and sent ( see " Exchange" ) and band.
A summary sheet with claimed scores and a description of the station during the contest (RX, TX or RTX , antennas and power output is attached.
Instead of paper lists , logs can be sent by email to the receipt thereof to be acknowledged.
Any format is welcome, even in a simple e- mail with all information where requested .
The lists must be sent within 30 days of the contest : Contest EAQRP Investigation Board , PO Box No 17, 16080 BASIN
By email to : eaqrp_test@yahoo.es
- Awards :
To the winner in each category: QRP , QRPp and foreigners.