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Author Topic: Hello! New to club.  (Read 3889 times)

Offline KF7GON

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Hello! New to club.
« on: April 03, 2016, 17:02:24 UTC »
My name is Bruce and I am relatively new to QRP.  I recently retired and have re-discovered my favorite hobby--Ham Radio.  I am looking forward to the challenge of QRP and learning about what works and what doesn't.  Any advice or ideas you might would be greatly appreciated.

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Hello! New to club.
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2016, 20:10:43 UTC »
Hi there Bruce and welcome to the group and the fun of QRP.
I spent almost 25 years running 100 Watts and also 400 Watts for a short spell and eventually became completely disenchanted due to the operating standards that seemed to be becoming worse year by year.
About 4 years ago I discovered QRP radio and a group of afficianados whose standards were still pretty much like they were when I first got on the air. Courtesy and consideration still were foremost.
Hints & Tips :
1. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy every QRP contact. QRO is EASY, QRP is REMARKABLE.
2. The most important bit of hardware is your antenna. As a general rule of thumb the bigger the better, though small can also be beautiful if well tuned and well matched.
3. An antenna is probably the least expensive part of your radio system. Experimenting with them is unlikely to break the bank and is also great fun.
4. Using CW rather than phone is worth at least two or three S points and can make the difference between making a contact and not making one.

Have fun and enjoy learning!

Offline KF7GON

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Re: Hello! New to club.
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 16:33:29 UTC »
Thank you for your response to my introduction.  I use an ft-817nd for most of my qrp and have acquired a buddistick antenna.  I am a slow cw operator but it does perform much better than SSB.  I also have an IC-718 which I use from my home base.  So far I am enjoying the challenge of making contacts, whether in the US or elsewhere.  With only 5 watts output by the 817, I often must tell myself to be patient.  I became a general in February of this year and have much to learn.  Thanks for your encouragement.  It is a fun adventure to be on.  73's


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Re: Hello! New to club.
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2016, 05:52:47 UTC »
Hi Bruce
welcome on the qrp's World
many 72


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Re: Hello! New to club.
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 22:08:08 UTC »
Hello Bruce,

I am a bit late, but better late than never  ;D I want to wish you a lot of fun and I agree with Dave
when he says: 

1. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy every QRP contact. QRO is EASY, QRP is REMARKABLE.
2. The most important bit of hardware is your antenna.

Here I'm playing QRP & QRPp below one watt for 52 years, yes 52 years now, and always discover something and it is always new  and amazing what we can do with so much low power and simple antennas.

Good luck & let you know of your progress, and if you want you can ask for a SKED into the SKED SECTION on this friendly forum,

All the very best,  ;D

72 Michel The QRp'er