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Author Topic: Propagation is picking up at last  (Read 2687 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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Propagation is picking up at last
« on: September 26, 2017, 16:38:05 UTC »
I got the KX3 set up last night after its holiday in Greece and was very pleased to see that 20m was open at last.
With 5 Watts, between 20:00z and 21:37z I worked AA9AA,KA3J,WA2FBN and VE3DQN. One station was running just two Watts and another was using a small portable whip antenna. All east coast/eastern states

And between 1840 and 1850 my signal was picked up on the RBN on the west coast by W7HR SNR 6dB, KU7T 5dB and K2PO 3dB. This seemed like a rather brief opening but I've seldom seen three west coast skimmers pick up my call during one short period.