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Author Topic: The Isle of Skye /P QRP  (Read 1460 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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The Isle of Skye /P QRP
« on: April 28, 2014, 19:24:54 UTC »
just home after an amazing week on a campsite on the Isle of Skye. What was really most amazing was that we had 7 days of wall to wall blue skies while most of the rest of the UK was basking in rain!
With the KX3 and a mono-band 17m GP with two radials, despite propagtion not being terribly good I managed 112 contacts. The CW end of the band was so quiet that for the first time for almost a year I resorted to SSB one morning and made 18 contacts (first was W1AW/1). Best DX on CW was my friend VP8CMH/MM who was just south of the Falkland Islands, FG5FR and a really memorable contact with W6DUO in California who was running 1kW and after giving me 559 decided to dig out his own KX3 and we then made 2x QRP which was real fun. Fifteen NA stations ended up in the log but sadly no QRPC members at all.