I love your custom key.

How wide a frequency band do you tune when working fixed frequency?
I know many now days with their fancy transceiver don't tune anywhere, just their own frequency.
I grew up in the days we would scan 25 kHz for a contact when we send out a CQ. Which helped my DXCC count in later years as I scan the band for contacts.
Even today I still scan 10 kHz unless I am running something like a PIXIE. But most of my DIY transmitters are fixed frequency -- I use a separate receiver to tune in the other station. I notice a few of the tube transmitter types still also do that but not the many of the newer ones in the hobby.
Lately I have been playing with Pippin xmit circuits. Simple transmitter with a NPN and PNP transistor. I have found many transistor pairs that cost less than a dime will yield a good watt output. Using color TV crystals found I can build one for under a dollar if I use resonant circuits in place of a LPF, and less than two bucks with a LPF output running 2 to 5 watts. I have a DC receiver in work and thinking about a regen.
It is fun to DIY and see how the world responds to you weak signal CQs.
73, Stan AK0B