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Author Topic: BUDDIPOLE IN THE FIELD, BOOK  (Read 7478 times)


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« on: January 15, 2014, 16:10:23 UTC »
Hello again,

When writing my last post, I forgot to tell you about the fantastic book very well written ( BUDDIPOLE IN THE FIELD) 155 pages.-

 By Scott Andersen, NE1RD Foreword by Chris Drummond, W6HFP from Buddipole Inc.-

This book is a must to have, as it gives us a lot of very good idea. I will soon talk you later in an other post about this antenna. which I use regularly for over 12 years.

Hope this helps,

Again Best 72, Michel VE2TH QRP


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« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 09:38:36 UTC »
Hello Michel, absolutley right, the buddipole is a good antenna. I am a copycat (mjauuuu) and have done a copy of that antenna. The hard parts to copy was the head or center part for all rods, but some plastic and mecanical works i did a head that could take the heavy weight it is in the connection point. The coils i did as look a like on an plastic tube 32mm diam. and about same lenght as original. The telescopic rods i bought from Buddipole. It was some nice time mecanical work and thinking, but it works. Here i have a good antenna for horisontal dipole or vertical and some other experimental configurations. Se the first attemt to do the antenna with plastic tubes, later i did it with alu tubes and got a much better antenna mecanically. See the first ex on my homepage.
Best regards, 72 de SM5MEK, Jenny.


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« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 18:58:29 UTC »
Hello Jenny,

Congratulations, and nice job well done, yes it is nice  time mechanical work  to do this , but finally
as you said it WORKS! and it is the most important thing. it is very rewarding.

Thanks very much for sharing with the forum friends.

For your information and for others who would like to built one, here is the link, from Budd W3FF himself
who kindly put his plans and all the necessary informations to built one from PVC tubes or pipe and some others parts.


That is the antenna he built himself in his beginning, because he wanted something small, assembled easily when in the field, as he does a lot of portable operations. 

After playing for a while, he decided to commercialized this antenna as we know this marvel today.

Over the years he added from time to time some new accessories which are very helpful and useful.

You can also find very interesting the "BUG" = Buddipole User Groups into the YAHOO GROUPS.
With lot of photos from the group, tricks, techniques, files, links etc.

A whole bunch of good helpful hams all over the world, nearly 7000 members.


Here I use this Buddipole system exclusively during the spring/summer/fall months. home made in the beginning, but now the Buddipole/Buddistick with many accessories.

During the Sporadic E season, I put up a 2 elements 50 MHz beam, and a couple years ago I put up a 3 element beam. It gives a lot of help for our peanut whistle.

With this Buddipole system, you can make comparaisons for exemple, between a dipole and a beam
especially on ten and 6 meters. Because it is easier on those bands due to the lenght of the elements.

I make comparaisons between a 6 meter beam 2 and 3 elements built with parts, and I put on another mast a simple dipole for the same band and I make tests with a switch A/B antenna.

On six meter a beam like this, on the long mast and the tripod, it is one wavelenght high. 19 feet or 5,7Meters. 

I did the same on ten meter. it was easier on ten, because when there is no one else to make tests,  there are always some beacons  you can hear. and you can make front to back tests, and comparaison tests.

But on this band I'm only a half wave lenght high.

I built 2 element vertical beam and I can go easily as low as 20 meters. Ok it is always monoband, but it works really well. And no it is not a conventional beam in vertical config,  but rather two verticals, one serving as a reflector, and the other one as the driven element.

Each vertical are rigid one like the Buddistick, and each have one sloping radial. It looks as one or two vertical dipole. On each band I install it, there are always below 1:5 to 1 on any bands I built it.

I always adjust it with an antenna analyser. It is part of our go kit.

Now I use full size no compromise from 30 meter up to 6 meters in monoband no coils.

And the one I prefer, are the vertical for the lower angle of radiation. the ease of assembly, about 10 minutes.

Well, I will gives you more informations about this system soon,


Michel VE2TH QRP


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« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 19:00:45 UTC »
Hello Jenny,

You said: The hard parts to copy was the head or center part for all rods.

I agree, it is hard to reproduce, because it is a complex part of the antenna.

But anyone else can buy separatly any parts. For example you can buy this most important part of any antenna configuration.

It is called the "VERSA-TEE" which as it's name implies, it is "versatile" and it looks as a small "T".

Look at the photo:

And each parts of the versa-tee is of some utility. You can use it for a vertical, and you screw the telescopic whip on top, , then you connect your center pin of the coax to the blue button, and you put your radial on the black one,with the coax shield. Then you can adjust for the band in use with an analyser or the swr meter.

The 4 holes (2 on each side) you see can be use to fix the versatee to something like a piece of plastic, or wood or whatever you have on hand.

Or you can use these holes to put some guys nylon cord to hold your antenna/mast straight.

Instead of fixing it to a piece of wood, you can use these holes to fix your versa-tee to a small pole with the help of "2 "U-BOLTS".

Originaly, this versa-tee is ready made to be screw on top a mast like Buddipole sell, or a more economic way, on top or a "PAINT-POLE" . if you want to use a paint pole, you will need the small adapter (MAST ADAPTER).

The files Inside the top and on each side are 3/8" X 24 , Sorry but I didn't find this measure in metric.

You can screw Buddipole whips, the regular one, or the long black one, or the adjustable whips, or the military shock cord whip,

if you have some mobile antenna named HAMSTICK, it do very well, FOR A SIMPLE VERTICAL, OR A SIMPLE DIPOLE.

The small holes you can see on top and each sides, are especially used for the accessory called the "ROTATING ARM KIT"

With this accessory, you can use your dipole, as:

A simple dipole, or an upright V, or better you can built a mono band loop, (more on this in a later post) or, if you built a beam like I do every summer months, these holes are used to hold in place the boom of that beam. by the end of the versatee in the case of a 2 elements, and if you decided to built a 3 elements, the versatee will be held in place in the center, with an adapter fixed on top ot the versatee.

Any way the "VERSA-TEE"  is a must to have.

I will try to give you all the possibilities this simple part can do for you in a future post.

Hope this help all of you ?

Any questions ?

You are very welcome,

72 Michel VE2TH  QRP 


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« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 19:44:23 UTC »
Hello Friends,

Here is the famous informative good book in PDF, 170 pages, "BUDDIPOLE IN THE FIELD"
I was talking about:


I'm sure it will help many of you. It is full of informations, graphs, photo etc.

Good reading,

Have Fun Everyday,


Michel VE2TH QRP

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« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2014, 22:03:48 UTC »
Thanks for the link to the book Michel, I've just downloaded it. I'm currently flipping the mental penny about bidding for a buddipole on an auction site. I had one a few years ago but sold it as I found that a full size GP on a fishing pole worked better. However, most of my /P activity is on campsites with limited space for low band antennas unless I use a non-resonant end fed vertical and the buddipole might just get me out on 40 & 80m.


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« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2014, 02:50:33 UTC »
Hello Dave,

Yes Buddipole is very good, but 80 & 40 meters, you will need the low band coil instead of the standard coil.

Now in the book, check the big difference in inductance between the regular one and the biggest.

Also, instead of buying one, may be you can consider, if it is just for 40/80, to buy just the parts you will need to such a vertical antenna.

You can buy any parts individually for any projects you want.

Anyway, Dave, if you have any questions, let me know, I'm using this fine antenna for 13 years now.

As I say often, the heart of this system, is the VERSA-TEE. With this one you can do many things, into antenna projects.

Here I replaced, the little red/blue/black buttons by (3) stainless wing nuts. It holds my wires and open line snug fit. And I soldered close lugs on my wires and open line and fixed ti to the versa-tee.

Now if you use a vertical antenna on 80/40 meters, on campsite and you do not want to use radials because of lack of space, try to connect the ground part to the water tap, below the valve, with a big alligator clip, or a small hose clamp,  you will see a big difference.

The copper pipes under the ground, in a campsite, are many hundred feet long, and sure it is a good counterpoise.

I tried this when in campsite, and found a really big difference, and the antenna is really easier to match.Then I always check with my analyser.

Let us know of your experiences,

72 Michel VE2TH QRP 

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« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2014, 20:38:15 UTC »
Thanks for all the info Michel. I read the book carefully and weighed the pro's and con's and decided to save my money. The Elenec plots in the book were very informative. It was though a great temptation as the Buddiople De-luxe I was watching in the auction was unused and went for just £210 as opposed to the normal £350. You made an interesting suggestion regarding water pipes but Scottish campsites are not quite as well appointed as those in NA and we've never had a pitch with its own tap!! I have though used a croc clip to attach a radial/earth to wire fences in the past.
I think I'll buy a 12m fishing pole and see what I can do with that. I've alread got a 10m pole for use when away in the campervan and have just bought another one that collapses down small enough to fit in suitcase for air travel.

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« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2014, 04:03:53 UTC »
This is the info iv been looking for on the buddipole. Thanks for the PDF. Im going to get me one now.
Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.