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Author Topic: NEW on the CLUB  (Read 794 times)

Offline CT1BWW

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NEW on the CLUB
« on: December 20, 2013, 14:35:55 UTC »
 I am Marq,CT1BWW lover, Radiotechnician from Industrial School Fomnseca Benevides at age 17.
Became a SWL with callsign CT0783. I've built over 20 QRP Kits including some made by myself.
I'm envolved with CT-QRP CLUB and SOTA activities (as a coordenator for Portugal)
QRP it's a Great Challenge ...you can do it a lot with a few!
Most important you ccan give More Value to the QSO!
Since the beginning I decide tio be came this Family
I hope to contribute on the Forum but also learing a lot
frm marq CT1 " Bravo Willy Willy"