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Welcome to the Club / Hello to all
« Last post by UT2AB on January 01, 2023, 17:32:24 UTC »
Hello to all,
My name is Alexander UT2AB, I am live in Sumy (Ukraine)
Been a ham since 1994 and UB5ASW was my first call.
72 de UT2AB
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello from Albuquerque
« Last post by AA5ET on December 30, 2022, 15:28:18 UTC »
I hope this board wakes up as QRP becomes popular again. Seems pretty dead around here.
Welcome to the Club / Hello from Albuquerque
« Last post by AA5ET on December 26, 2022, 18:42:43 UTC »
I've been an off and on QRPer since the 1970s, when as a novice I used an HW8 (or was it an HW7?) to operate from summits while backpacking all over California long before I knew anything about SOTA (did it even exist then?).

Although I have a legal limit QRO station at home, I still love getting on the air during a backpacking trip with a lightweight QRP CW station - simplicity and fun; and I never fail to make QSOs.

My current setup is a TR-35 that I built from a kit; the entire station weighing about 2.4 pounds.

Marco, AA5ET
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello From Belgium
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on December 16, 2022, 18:13:24 UTC »
Welcome aboard.  :)
Welcome to the Club / Re: Greetings from Central Florida
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on December 16, 2022, 18:13:10 UTC »
Welcome aboard.  :)
Welcome to the Club / Hello From Belgium
« Last post by ON5QRP on December 13, 2022, 15:53:10 UTC »
Welcome to the Club / Greetings from Central Florida
« Last post by KU9L on December 13, 2022, 14:10:42 UTC »

I have an old ATS3B.1 I haven't used in years. I am dusting it off to start using it as I learn the POTA system. Most HF rigs in this RV campground park hear all of the birdies from the PWM converter chargers. I was first licensed 40 years ago and it is like Rip Van Wrinkle waking up and trying to get back into the hobby again. I am looking at getting an FT-818, but in the near term have built an end-fed half-wave tuner kit and will be cutting some wire soon for picnic table operation.


Dave - KU9L

This was a friend I made out at a potential POTA location, he had many brothers and sisters to keep me company.
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello. Greetings from Mississippi
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on August 14, 2022, 19:51:48 UTC »
Welcome aboard.  :)
Welcome to the Club / Hello. Greetings from Mississippi
« Last post by AF5XB on August 14, 2022, 11:55:43 UTC »

 Hello All.  New to QRP and am looking forward to making contacts with QRP.  My name is Roy, AF5XB.
I live in Brandon, Mississippi, just East of Jackson, Mississippi. 

I need to find frequencies that this group uses and times that most are on the air. 

My contact info is good on QRZ.  If you would like to schedule a time for a QSO, send me a text or email.


Antennas / Doublet antenna
« Last post by SV1GRN on July 14, 2022, 13:01:56 UTC »
Just one antenna here, an 2 X 11m doublet with 450 ohm ladderline. In the of it there is an antenna tuner made by SV1NL. Between tuner and coax a choke balun. Just an antenna and a t/x, I operate mainly qrp 5W through last 6 years about, this configuration gives me a lot of fun and dx communications, even dxpeditions. 73
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