Ham Radio Activity > QRP


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Hello, I introduced myself before - I'm Dan WG5G. Just wondering if there are any qrp dxers in this club? Many other clubs are into kit building and hiking, my main interest is dx and antenna building - just wonder if there are others that share my interest? 72 Dan WG5G.

Hi Dan,

No, you are not alone! ... My biggest QRP, QRPp interest is in DXing. I do it in 2 flavors, CW and SSB. I only own 1 "store bought" antenna a Par endfedz multi band... everything else I build myself.

I have worked DXCC twice now. Once with my old call WA2OQJ and just finished putting number 100 confirmation in the book with the new K2MIJ call in October... I have 150 worked and 125 confirmed...Honor roll, here I come! hi hi...

So no Dan, it isn't just you!

....cu on the bands


Hi, Dan, we've recently added a "Sked Board":

Good DX!

Hello Dan,

I just joined this group today 16 Dec 2013.  Well, I used to be a "hard core" DXer but sort of ran out of stuff to work (really).  Probably 15 or 20 years ago, I was 1 DXCC short of making Honor Roll with 5 watts.  In July of 1989, shortly before my 2nd kid was born, I stayed home for vacation (saving up $$ for kid #2), I finally broke down and tried milliwatting (I had been urged on for many years by AA2U, another QRPer) and gave it a try.  My goal was DXCC with 900mw in 2 weeks (the time I had for vacation).  I didn't quite make it.  It took me 19 days.  And then I got the mw bug.  Over the next several years, I got up to 256 DXCC with milliwatts (what I thought was 900 mw originally was actually later shown to be 700 mw...even better!).  And then I got tired of that too. 

My "best" DX was working an LU (no sked) from NJ with 790 mircowatts.  Yup...MICRO watts! 

So now, I qrp during contests, both DX and domestic.  It' pretty much the same as "hard core DXer" except it is all crammed into 48 hours.  :-)

Hope to see you on the bands.

QRP ARCI #6509
QRP DXCC #64 (1984) from "The Milliwatt"
DXCC QRP 300 from ARCI Feb 13, 1993 (300 countries, as they were called back then)

YEPP, Dan it is realy fun to work with antennas, the most important part of the qrp equipment. Ialso love to get out in the nearby forest and fight a little with mosquitos and wolfs. This time of year no mosquitos. Instead it is cold and for the moment rain. Most of the wolfs are coming with an string and collar  were they catched another human with. The human beeing says it is an dog.... i know i know, wolf psycology make them saying that. Hi Hi.
Why not dx-ing from forest? I did it several times.


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