Good evening Bill,
First of all, thank you very much to accept my invitation to the group, and thank you also for your registration.
Yes here it is a bunch of QRP maniac!!

And I'm very glad you are here, and sure you will like it.
You have a very nice set-up, nice radios, One day I would like to make another QSO with you but with your argonaut, this is a very nice classic QRP of the 70's.
My XYL VE2RH, Georgette use a FT-817ND, she's also loving QRP. We share the same antennas

I also use my J-38 straight key along with my paddle, both are hook-up to my KX3 from Elecraft.
and I use the Icom IC-703 + for 6 & ten meters to a vertical antenna. on ten, and a 2 or 3 elements beam built from Buddipole parts during the summer. Other antennas are simple wire @ 32 ft, in inverted vee configuration.
See you on the air soon, and keep on QRP'ing
72/73 Michel VE2TH QRP & QRPp
- P.S,
4 X 15 watts panel is a very good idea, next time tell me if you are using a solar charge controler ? make & model ? and what kind of batteries ?