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Author Topic: 42 tube eco needs a contact  (Read 5011 times)

Offline ve3lyx

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42 tube eco needs a contact
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:33:23 UTC »
I have another tube type QRP Cw rig built and running. It is 40M only and I am operating on 7036 to 7042khz. Calling CQ. It is an ECO and has a soft but perceptible whoop well within specified limits but noticeable. I need a contact with this rig and so far it as evaded me. Power out is not huge but is about 3 watts which should be more then enough. Usual contact area for me on 40m low power is north eastern USA or Western Ontario,( London Muskokas etc.) All my other rigs have now had successful contacts but this one. So if anyone would like to keep an ear open for it or even set up a sked I would appreciate it. I am staying around 7036 when possible but pop up to 7041 if that is busy and can vary plus or minus that as it is a vfo controlled rig. I am a plodder on CW but still love it. And all who helped with contacts on my other rigs I built this summer , thank you all. Transmitter is on the right. Matching recvr on the left.
don VE3LYX

Offline ve3lyx

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Re: 42 tube eco needs a contact
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 19:54:30 UTC »
Done, thanks to QRP operator Garry WA1GWH we did a both QRP QSO this afternoon. So That rig is good to go.
don Ve3LYX