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Author Topic: the first national QRP week-end.  (Read 5038 times)

Offline F5MPN

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the first national QRP week-end.
« on: June 03, 2022, 00:30:53 UTC »
From June 11th at 08:00 UTC to June 12th at 18:00 UTC, come in large numbers to participate in the first national QRP week-end.

The spirit of this new activity is the opportunity for the QRP community to have a weekend dedicated for this kind of trafic on all HF bands from 160 to 10m, all modes (CW, Voice, MGM) using mobile or fixed station from the moment you take pleasure. So, there will be no first, no last and no prizes to be won.

In order to make the QRP activity, and this weekend in particular, known to as many people as possible, we would like to receive from the participants a small report reflecting their activity. Just a few lines to tell us about your best contact or exchange, a funny, incongruous, picturesque, atypical situation, etc. A brief description of the station (transmitter, receiver, antenna, power, …) will be appreciated.

The nice meetings and our efforts to be active with a maximum number of QRP stations should help making this weekend a lively one.

To send your reports : intlqrpwe@gmail.com

72/73 F5MPN Stéphane