Hi all. Hope everyone's getting plenty of air time!
I'm having some cracking sessions after work during the week with CW, but just for a change today I visited 10m SSB in the hope of working VK6PTU, Jonathon, who is a fellow member of the realhfmobile yahoo group.
Propagation conditions were quite poor, and I was sitting in my Jeep in heavy rain and strong wind up at Ditchling Beacon. I was unable to work Jonathon, but as I tuned around a bit I heard a VK on 28475 calling CQ. I replied with a heady 10W. Lo and behold, Steve VK2Nss heard me and we managed a QSO even though my sigs to him were very low - readability 4, s 0! He was s 5 to me, but only readability 3 due to tremendously heavy rain, strong wind and very strong YO station on a very nearby frequency.
Apart from finding my uncle the ideal older person's mobile phone for Christmas (a Telme that I found in Asda), this contact has been the highlight of my weekend so far. Next highlight will be Ski Sunday tomorrow

73 and best wishes to you all,
Pete M3KXZ
GQRP 11767
SKCC 10219