A Kenwood TS-670 10 watt rig sat on the dealer's shelf for over a year in the early 1980s until I
bought it. It had 40, 15, 10 and 6 meters and I added the FM board and general coverage
board. It was a bad time of my life, raising my three children alone and working. A great babysitter
was found so that made it easier for me as she taught my kids a lot of things that I didn't know
they needed to know. The '670 would be left tuned to six or ten FM and squelched down as I did
my chores and laundry, but if the band opened I could make a quick contact or two and return
to my work. That radio saved my sanity during those years. Later I used the radio to make my
first non North American DX, from Kansas City to Prague on 7 watts SSB. I sold it in order to afford
a radio with 20 meters on it, but I have missed that radio ever since.