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Banners and Info / Re: The Golden Members and the Skipper
« Last post by G2DXU on August 06, 2024, 02:29:51 UTC »
Welcome to the Club / Greetings from England
« Last post by G2DXU on August 06, 2024, 02:25:59 UTC »

I got back into the hobby this summer, 2024, and have been trying to work QRP CW with a vertical antenna outside my ground floor apartment here in Devon, SW England.

My callsign is vintage, it was first held by a SK relative pre-WW2. 

73, Alan G2DXU
« Last post by ve2th on February 28, 2024, 19:37:00 UTC »
Hi! to all and also to KK4IXE & IZ5ZCO

My favorite and the very best for me is the End Fed Half Wave

See the link: https://www.hyendcompany.nl/antenna/multiband_40201510_m#main

It is in The Netherlands, and it is the best solid construction, for any model you can see on the site
the standing wave curves.

Mine is the 40-20-15-10 meters.  All of these babds are below 1:5 to 1 thru 1:1

The balun is 64:1 it is installed at 3 meters offf the ground near a window, and the end (wire ) is attached at 30 feet a top a flagpole mast.-

I use another one for portable operation (POTA, Parks on the air) during summer months,
I keep the balun attached with one bungee cord,  on pik-nik table , and the end is at 22 ft high of my telescopic fiberglass mast .

I used this one with another fiberglass mast of 33 ft high without any differences.
and always my balun fixed on the table. No differences .

Check the web site, for more models multi-bands or mono band.

Customer service iis A1 shipping via Fedex, A1 5 days from Holland to Quebec, Canada

Try it, you'll like it

72 Michel

Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello from Algeria
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on September 30, 2023, 09:21:45 UTC »
Welcome aboard  :)
Welcome to the Club / Hello from Algeria
« Last post by 7X2GK on September 26, 2023, 13:48:30 UTC »
Hello to all members
7W2GK, Kamel
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello From Belgium
« Last post by 7X2GK on September 26, 2023, 13:47:19 UTC »
Welcom, 73 de 7X2GK
Welcome to the Club / Who is Dirk PA3FSY in JO21HP
« Last post by pa3fsy on July 18, 2023, 07:49:12 UTC »
I like to make CW QSO with my Junker key and KENT Paddle. My previous call sign in the '70 was first PD0EAC then PE1NLF and PB0AKG, and Final PA3FSY. My first Crystal receiver i have build in 1969.
The City Zevenbergen located in the southwest part of the Netherlands about 60km from the South- West-Sea coast.

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk
QRP / QRPDX.COM back in service
« Last post by wg5g on May 05, 2023, 22:36:30 UTC »

I just wanted to let everyone here know that QRPDX.COM is back online.

You can send updates or become a new member by sending me an email
to my QRZ email address.

73/72 Dan WG5G
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello from North Carolina
« Last post by Kw4wa on April 30, 2023, 14:45:33 UTC »
Not much activity in this board.
I check it once in a blue moon.
Most of the action for QRP is in the NAQCC site.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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