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Author Topic: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)  (Read 8646 times)

Offline KC8AON

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All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« on: November 05, 2014, 14:07:15 UTC »
Anyone here ever experimented with a Vertical Half Rombic antenna?  Its basically and end fed antenna that is fed with a 9:1 unun on one end and has a 450 ohm non inductive resistor termination on the other end and can cover 160 thru 10 meters without a tuner and is configured like an inverted V.  Getting the materials together to build one, once I get it together and tested will post the results here.

This antenna requires no tuner for all band operation and can be setup quick in the field.  Needs only one support too - very easy to setup.

Actually got it built now and testing it out !

It works great with my Yaesu FT-817 at 5 watts !  I tried to upload a pdf file of it but the file was too big, so here is a link to it - check it out !


Offline PA1FJ

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Re: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2014, 16:45:21 UTC »
Good idea I go if I have time this antenna testing.
A good design for field days, actually very old but yet again fun to be an antenna to try.

72 Fred PA1FJ
73 Fred PA1FJ

Offline KC8AON

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Re: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 16:57:27 UTC »
Good idea I go if I have time this antenna testing.
A good design for field days, actually very old but yet again fun to be an antenna to try.

72 Fred PA1FJ

Yes it is an old design being used by various millitaries around the world, and it works much better than I thought it would !  I mean I tested it out running less than 5 watts from my Yaesu FT-817 and was working all over the place with it.  When one band quit working as well, I simply changed bands and still had a low swr and was back on the air in seconds - all with one antenna !

Offline ve3vvf

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Re: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2016, 01:57:05 UTC »
The link is dead!  :(  Any chance of getting it somewhere else?  Thanks -- Scott
QRP - where the fun is


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Re: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2016, 03:01:37 UTC »
Well I tried to find it but the link is dead, "ERROR 404"

But if it is an EFHW = End Fed Half Wave you can find it here:


Check into the manuals, you will find all the informations for any bands and the last one
which worked as advertized, The "EF-QUAD" for 4 bands 40/20/15/10 which you can buy or built yourself.

Those little jumpers for various bands can be found in automobile parts into the electrical parts dept.

A 9:1 UNUN and a wire plus the material for the jumpers.

It is not good for WARC bands because it is not harmonically related, but for 40 & higher check the SWR curves  in the manual, those curves are from an antenna analyser RIG EXPERT which is really great to keep our antenna tests graphics for future references.

If you have more space you can do it longer as to add 80 meters to make it a 130 ft simple multi band wire antenna.

Let us know what you think about that

Have fun, & 72 Michel

Offline ve3lyx

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Re: All band no tuner needed antenna (This is and endfed antenna)
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2016, 14:02:43 UTC »
Mine isnt a vertical (well I do have a 80M/40M vertical but) I have a 1/2 wave longwire end fed no counterpoise that works very well. It is my favourite antenna here and is often run with my Vintage QRP rigs with good success. 80m and 40m no tuner required. it would work above 40M but I never do on my vintage stuff. I wish I had built it 30 years ago or more. Very practical and effective antenna.