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Author Topic: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April  (Read 4232 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« on: April 23, 2015, 15:41:23 UTC »
I'll be QRV from the tiny island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides from 29th April to 9th May.
Operating KX3 to GP for 12,17,20 meters. May also be qrv on 30m. No trees !! so unlikely to get onto 40 or 80 though may try Buddistick antenna on these bands.


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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 13:27:51 UTC »
Hi Dave,

should be not a big problem to be on air on 160 - 10 m without any trees .... Take a look to that easy to build vertical H-Pole antenna ..... I prefer the version with the lower feedpoint.

B.t.w. a tuner is needed that can handle ladderline feeders or a small automatic tuner in the feedpont ...

 ;) ;)

P.S. Sorry, forgot the link:   http://www.qsl.net/hb9mtn/hb9mtn_h-pole.html

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2015, 19:06:12 UTC »
Hi Juergen!
Many thanks for the link regarding the H-Pole. It looks an interesting antenna but I don't think I would get away  with putting one up on the back of our motor home on most of the campsites we stay on as its footprint is a bit too wide. I'd also need a new pole as mine is only 8m and I'd need a remote ATU..
However you've given me an idea for when a friend and I  go to the remote Shiant islands EU-112 later this year.

Thanks & 73/72


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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 16:39:38 UTC »
Hello Dave,

Hope you have nice weather on Barra Island, and everything is going well.

I'm looking for you on 17 meters 18,096, if it is possible ?

Have a nice week-end, ;D

72 Michel VE2TH \ the lighthouse keeper  didit


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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2015, 19:06:25 UTC »
Hello Dave,

Well, according to reverse beacon network, my signal reach all of Europe, this time
on 14,060 & .055 with no takers at all.

As far away to Finland, Iceland, Hungary, and other european countries, and in the west as far as VE6AO, but....??? 

Anyway, the internal keyer of my transceivers take care of it while reading here.

72, Michel

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2015, 22:32:58 UTC »
Hi Michel
Sorry I didn't work you. I had no internet connection on the island so didn't read your post until I got home this afternoon. I don't think propagation was very good for most of the 10 days I was on the island, though there were a few short duration 'lifts' and I managed 20 contacts into NA and 3 to Japan. My only VE contact was VE1BA who I've worked many times from home and while /P.
The campsite we were on was just perfect for radio as the antenna was only about 20 feet from the sea on the Atlantic coast of Barra and the most westerly campsite (and inhabited island) in Britain.
My next /P will be from SV8 from the middle of June so hope to perhaps work you from there though the location isn't good for NA.



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Re: IOTA EU-010 Outer Hebrides from 29 April
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2015, 12:11:18 UTC »
Hello Dave,

Well, conditions were fair here too, worked some Eu & SA stations, anyway sure we will meet one of these day, surely during a good propagation burst, Hi!

Glad to read your Holiday was good anyway.

For SV8, I'm sure this location is really not good for NA, as I worked only once this part of the world
in 52 years of hamming. It goes back in 1979 when I worked SV8JE in KEFALONIA IS,  EU-052 on 15 meters. No QSL so far, yet, so I still need IOTA EU-052.

But we never know, propagation God always help me, Hi!

Have a nice week,

Michel VE2TH  QRP \ watching around the QRP frequencies from the lighthouse  ;D